#1 Ranked EMR and Billing System in
Outpatient Therapy & Rehab from KLAS Research

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Strata Benchmarks

Healthcare doesn't need to be so mysterious. We publish our aggregate data to help you. Be the first to know when we publish additional data points... 👇🏼

With millions of data points and over a decade in existence, we know a thing or two about running and growing your practice (and career). See for yourself:

Healthcare Payer Reimbursement Rates

If you're going to negotiate with a payer, don't go into it blind.

Physical Therapy Practice Benchmarks

Running a PT, OT or SLP practice shouldn't be mysterious.

See how Strata can grow your practice


This is the total amount you currently spend for EMR, scheduling or other software used to run your practice on a daily basis.

This is the total amount you currently spend for billing services. Typically this is the total monthly expense of your billing team (including salaries, benefits, clearinghouse fees, USPS postage and more) or the monthly fees paid to your billing service.

+$11,397.21 additional cash each month for your practice

Recent Reimbursement Rate
Recent Reimbursements Collected
Recent Patients Served

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Our team will walk you through our EMR and RCM products plus show you how we can increase your reimbursement to 99.99%!