What is StrataPT and how does the EMR + RCM work?

Categories:  Strata Demos

Strata Demos is a series of videos with Strata’s Director of Marketing, Thomas Schreiber, and Chief Revenue Officer, Adam Peacock, showcasing our EMR & RCM and how it can help your physical or occupational therapy clinic make more money.

On this episode of Strata Demos, we dive into:

1. Pricing

2. Onboarding

3. Scheduling

4. Documentation


  • 1:00- 7:33: How Strata helps practices run and grow better
  • 7:34 -11:22: Clinical Documentation
  • 11:23 – 12:40: Communication with clients and providers
  • 12:41 – 13:45: Workflow automation
  • 13:46 – 15:27: Scheduling
  • 15:28 -19:44 Patient Engagement
  • 19:45 – 22:05: Financial Clarity
  • 22:06 – 24:35: Data Insights and Dashboards
  • 24:36 – 27:55: Mobile Therapy Technology
  • 27:56 – 30:46: Onboarding
  • 30:47 – 34:40: Pricing
  • 34:41 – End The future of EMR & RCM

“Strata EMR has been built around facilitating that clean claim process to make sure we’re driving a very high collection rate, but also making sure that practice owners aren’t having to use multiple systems to do their scheduling, documentation, and patient engagement.” – Adam Peacock CRO, StrataPT

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If you’d like to learn more about Strata and achieving a 99.99% reimbursement rate for your PT, OT or SLP Clinic head over to stratapt.com and book a call with our team! 

If you have any questions, comments, or ideas, we’d love to hear from you!