Growing your clinic with the right mindset (Feat. Jamey Schrier)


Strata Stories are conversations between Strata’s CEO, Paul Singh, and leaders in the OT & PT world. We interview practice owners, therapists, consultants, and coaches disrupting healthcare to make a positive change! 

On this episode of Strata Stories, we talk with Jamey Schrier, the founder of Practice Freedom U. We dive into:

1. How to grow your clinic with the right mindset.
2. Why you shouldn’t be afraid to talk about money.
3. How to stay ahead of technology and make sure it doesn’t put you out of business.

Episode Highlights: “You look at a business that’s in stage one, the business has started, it’s starting to run, it’s starting to operate. It’s typically a one horse show, a solopreneur. The biggest focus of that stage one business anywhere from just starting out to about $400,000 in revenue is generating clients. There’s nothing more important. And the problem is we spend so much time getting ready to get ready. Okay, I’m just getting ready. I’m getting all my ducks in a row. All right, I created the LLC, and now I’m putting together my programs, and I’m doing, you know what? Get someone in the door, and why don’t you practice on them, right?”

“One of my favorite lines is always get paid for R&D and everything is R&D. So
we talk about R&D research and development, we’re talking about, trying stuff, practicing stuff, testing things. Marketing is all about testing. It’s not about getting it right. It’s just about trying something and learning from it. Well, that’s what we do as practice owners. We try things and we learn from it. So in business, you can either get ready to focus on working with a client or how to bring a client in, or you can actually just get a client and then just test things on them.”

Check out more episodes with Jamey here!

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