The future of medicine: Augmentation through AI | Harvey Castro (Assistant Professor at University of Texas San Antonio)


Harvey Castro is Assistant Professor at University of Texas San Antonio, author, speaker and AI enthusiast. With over 20 years as a physician, entrepreneur, and former CEO of a healthcare system, He’s made significant strides in Healthcare Management, collaborating with physicians, and integrating advanced Healthcare Management practices.Currently, he’s at the forefront of healthcare’s AI revolution, serving as a Strategic Advisor for GPT & Healthcare. He aims to integrate healthcare professionals, AI developers, and pioneering AI technologies seamlessly.

In this episode, Harvey talks about:
– Learning AI as a clinician and why it’s important
– How he is helping others get more comfortable with AI
– Navigating AI’s role and boundaries within healthcare
– Ethical considerations in AI development

Episode Highlight: “So that’s a hard one. I don’t think we know and my personal take is this: this thing is growing so fast that we if we say okay here’s the wall. This technology is exponential, and it’s doing things that we said oh we couldn’t do like our textbooks can’t even keep up with – this is going so fast. And so when it comes to guardrails, I think for sure obviously patient safety, no matter what. But um, I don’t know, let me let me give you an example of something that I, spoke to a hospital administrator last week. And this was really interesting. HIPAA has 18 identifiers.

One of them is your IP address. And so what this hospital did, basically asked AI to go through all their patients tracking their IP address. So that was their HIPAA violation. And then what they did is they found out which patients are the ones that can’t come to the hospital have no access because they don’t have a car. And they usually have a friend or use the bus. And they literally figured out what the path of changing the city’s bus route so that they could come to the hospital.

And they made it so where they redesign the route so that it would hit more of these people so that they could come to the hospital. I was like, you know what, that’s a really cool way of helping patients because if they can’t get to the doctor, literally they try to add a route. Now, will they be able to do it? Maybe, but at least they’re trying. But they got slapped on the hand for doing it. So I thought, man, this is a catch-22. We start putting regulation. And if we’re not careful, we may start hurting patients because we’re thinking we’re protecting them. But because of ways of laws are written, we may end up adding walls to our patients.”

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Music used:
-Daystar – Sugar Cookie

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